How Does One Get to Attend?

Anyone who attends

The Triple O Leadership Summer Experience

...will be recommended. 

 To receive an application one must have first be recommended by someone who believes them to be an exceptional candidate for the program. Future participants do not need to be enrolled in college or have

graducated from high school.

There are no restrictions on who can recommend who. Recommendations can come from anyone: a parent, a teacher, a professor, a youth leader, a pastor, a neighbor, a friend, a peer, a mentor, etc. The recommendation is reviewed and the offer of application is determined. Once the offer is submitted the participant must complete the application and return it for review by the first week in April.

Those reccomening the particpant will be asked to submit a statment of: 

  1. Who they are.
  2. Their relationship to the person they are recommending.
  3. A short titled essay about a shared experience between themselves and the person they are recommending to attend the summer program, and why they believe the person is a qualified canidate. (The essay will need to be limited to 1 page double spaced/ 300 words.)

Once the recommendation is received and reviewd, and if we feel the student would be a qualified candidate we communicate such to the person who reccomended the participant and send an application to the future participant; along with a note of why they were asking to join the program. This information will not include the name of the person who recommended them. The application process begins will a letter of the option to apply.


The future particpant will be asked to submit: 

  1. A personal biography essay in their own hand-writing (1 ½ - 2 pages of notebook paper). They would also need to have the same essay typed., along with the rest of the application.
  2. A dream/ goal statement.
  3. A statement of their current educational experience along with their future educational plans.
  4. Family information.
  5. Resume.
  6. References. (a list of 5 reference contacts (people who know you, friends, family, etc)
  7. Completed Recommendation Form. (2 non-family, 1 family, or 3 non-family)

Description of the processes of application.

We are not looking for anything particular, only that they would follow the directions and submit their answers in a well thought-out manner.  Nothing long and extravagant; yet very organized and precise.

1. A personal biography essay in one's own hand writing (1 ½ - 2 pages of notebook paper). This will also need to to be typed, along with the rest of the application. This is the first step of the application process.  Not a long and extended essay, just a bit of information on who they believe themselves to be. I would like to have it submitted in their own handwriting because I believe it is possible to learn lot about someone by how they write. 

2. A dream/ goal statement. What we are looking for here is how they interpret this type of statement.  Hopefully they have one, but then again most people, no matter what age, don’t have one.  This is another great reason for this program they will have one when they complete the program.

3. A statement of their current educational experience along with their future educational plans if they have them. As you can see there is no request for transcripts or diplomas. I would like to know at what process they are in their “education.” There are not any formal requirements except a good attitude toward education, with the idea that it is a life long process.

4. Family information. I just want to have some idea of what type of family environment they students are coming from. I believe that family is important but goes beyond what tradition had defined.  I also believe that having some idea of ones family life can help them understand who they are along with those who are around them. 

5. Informal Resume. Who knows if the majority of the applicants  will have formal resumes?  Not needed, just curious how much "experience" they believe they have. 

6. References (a list of 5  contacts & contact informtion; people who know you, friends, family, boss, youth pastor, etc)  However they choose to present this is fine. I am looking for a list of people who would be able to state something about this student’s work and academic attitude ethics and habits, etc.

7. Three Completed Recommendation Forms (2 non-family, 1 family, or 3 non-family)

This needs to be exactly what it is. Most likely the person who recommended the student will also be someone they ask to write a letter. These completed forms are included with the option for application letter. They must then be returned to the applicant in signature signed envelopes and included by the student in the application process packet they submit. If one would like to write a letter also that is very acceptable.

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