True Mentoring

Leadership is about serving, but before one can lead others one must first develop personal identity. Identity within true leadership proves relational as True Leadership educates and empowers individuals by exposing potential where True Leadership development is the result of True Mentoring. Although some may have innate skills or abilities towards leadership, leadership is not an innate skill in itself and all have opportunity to develop skills of leadership. This   program is designed to encompass this belief and contribute to the establishment of intentionality of personal development and mentoring, i.e.

True Mentoring.


The Triple O Ranch Summer Experience is  an opportunity through location (Texas ranch life) and instruction to invest in the lives of individuals through, training, discipline, edification, and meditation; embracing and exposing leadership potential hence allowing for its transformation into reality through True Mentoring. Although Summer Experience is the driving ambition of the organization, but the organization is not limited to the Summer Experience and plans to engage people for Christ and personal development all year long.

College Age

The Summer Experience is intended for college age and college bound individuals who have the desire to develop extraordinary leadership skills, exceptional interpersonal skills, and be challenged to try new things. The heart of the Triple O Ranch Summer Experience is an essence of fun that will engage the learner to create an environment of excitement and joy to encourage the process of the evolution of True Mentoring as a responsibility and a way of life.

The Summer Experience is designed around a 12-8-4 week concept of True Mentoring relationship development. This concept is considered with three sessions, each building on the previous with opportunity to encourage the evolution of True Mentoring.

The first session will be for those who are 21 years of age and older and last 12 weeks. The second session will begin four weeks later and include those who have graduated from high school through age 20 this session will be 8 weeks. The third session will begin four weeks later (8 weeks from the onset of session one) to include those who are still in high school, this session will last four weeks. Each session will include 16 individuals, 8 men, and 8 women. 

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